March Scholastic Tournament
Sunday, March 23rd
North Kingstown, RI




It is our mission to promote the transformative power of chess for lifelong growth. We aim to use our passion for teaching and the game of chess to give kids a safe and enriching environment for learning the game and the many educational and life skills that come along with it.


Novice (ages 7-12)
This class is designed for students new to chess or have a limited knowledge of the game. Maybe the student has a general understanding of how the pieces move. When students have graduated from this class they will have a firm understanding of how all the pieces move including in game moves like castling. They will also have an understanding of how the game ends and how to produce basic checkmates. We will teach basic ideas on how to begin the game, how to develop their pieces in a productive way, and how to avoid the immediate pitfalls (4 move checkmates). We will also begin learning basic tactics (how we win material).

Intermediate (ages 7-14)
This class will be designed for students that have a firm understanding of how the pieces move and also what checkmate is and how to produce checkmate. They should be able to fairly easily produce the basic checkmates like ladder checkmate. We will start to get into the why of our moves. We will start to learn more advanced tactics (how to win material), explore more checkmate patterns, and learn a little more about the why and goals of the beginning of the game.

Advanced (ages 10-18)
This class is designed for students that have a good understanding of how to develop their pieces in a productive manner, have a good understanding of basic tactics and checkmate patterns. We will begin to explore openings a little more, as well as further expand on tactics, attacking possibilities as well as dive into our first look into endgames. We will also begin to teach the students how to annotate games in this course.

Tournament Prep (ages 8+)
This class is designed for Chess players who are participating in rated tournaments and have a USCF rating of 800+ or an online chess.com or lichess rating of 1400+ in either rapid or blitz.

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